
Blog, Metal Finishing / 19.07.2024

Choosing the right plating material for electrical contacts is crucial for ensuring optimal performance, durability, and reliability. Different plating metals offer unique advantages and are used in various applications. In this post, we’ll explore three popular plating materials—silver, nickel, and copper—and explain how to choose...

Blog, Metal Finishing / 14.03.2024

Anodizing and passivation are two different surface treatments designed to improve the durability and corrosion resistance of metals. Each method offers unique benefits that are ideal for different applications. In this post, we’ll explore the anodizing vs. passivation processes, the important benefits they provide, and...

Blog, Metal Finishing / 16.02.2024

Aluminum anodizing is an electrochemical process used to enhance the corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and appearance of aluminum. The anodizing process involves creating an oxide layer on the surface of the aluminum substrate through an electrolytic reaction. In this post, we’ll explore the many benefits...

Blog, Metal Finishing / 07.02.2024

Chrome electroplating enhances the appearance and durability of various metal substrates. This surface finishing technique is used for everything from automotive parts to household fixtures to apply a shiny, corrosion-resistant finish. In this post, we explain the chrome plating process, its benefits, applications, and more.  What...