metal finishing Tag

Blog, Metal Finishing / 03.01.2024

Extreme temperatures pose a constant challenge to manufacturers in many industries. Making parts that can withstand high-temperature environments takes specialized solutions like customized electroplating. Not only does electroplating provide heat resistance, it can also enhance the performance and durability of components that will be subjected...

Blog, Metal Finishing / 17.04.2023

From high precision to greater efficiency, ID/OD grinding offers several advantages over other metal finishing techniques. As a result, ID/OD grinding is the ideal choice for many applications in an extensive range of industries, including medical and aerospace. Let’s explore what ID/OD grinding is, and...

Blog, Metal Finishing / 28.09.2022

If you’re considering anodizing aluminum parts, it’s essential that you know how to properly keep them clean. Anodized aluminum requires little maintenance, but regular cleaning will ensure the coating lasts as long as possible. At CRC Surface Technologies, aluminum anodizing is one of the many...

Blog, Metal Finishing / 30.08.2022

At ChemResearch Corporation, hard chrome plating is just one of the many metal plating solutions we provide. Hard chrome plating is widely used for improving the durability of metal parts, but it has a variety of other applications as well. The benefits of hard chrome...